Symposium Overview / シンポジウムの概要

As science and technology have advanced in recent years, new and unique products have been developed in various fields. This symposium will focus on the relationship between design and art, with lectures on both aspects of design necessary for product development and art for creating novel world views. Through panel discussions and other events, we also expect to see interaction among executives and experts from global companies.

The keynote address will be given by Sir Dr. Herman Hauser, who has supported the establishment and development of numerous high-tech ventures, including the microprocessor company ARM. In addition to Japanese companies, we will also have speakers from European companies as well. Throughout the day, people from various industries in Japan and abroad will exchange their views on the near future of design and art.


基調講演は、マイクロプロセッサーのARM社を初めとする数々のハイテクベンチャー企業の設立・育成を支えてきた、Sir Dr. Herman Hauserに講演いただきます。また、日本企業のみならず、ヨーロッパ企業にも講演いただき、一日を通して、日本や海外のさまざまな産業の方々に近未来のデザインとアートのあり方について意見を交わしていただきます。

Program / プログラム

Leaflet / リーフレット

Speakers / 講演者

Keynote Speaker / キーノート講演:
Sir Dr. Hermann Houser
サー ハーマン ハウザー氏
Co-founder of Amadeus Capital Partners, a venture investment firm in Cambridge, UK. He has supported the establishment and nurturing of numerous high-tech ventures, including ARM, a microprocessor company. He has a proven track record of nurturing more than 20 venture companies.
英国ケンブリッジ発のベンチャー投資会社 アマデウス・キャピタル・パートナーズ社の共同設立者。 マイクロプロセッサーのARM社を初めとする数々のハイテク・ベンチャー企業の設立・育成を支えてきた。ベンチャーの創世期から、大きく育つ技術かどうかを見極める「目利き力」は確かなもので、20社以上のベンチャー企業を育てた実績を有する。
A Fellow of the Royal Society, the Institute of Physics, the Royal Society of Chemistry and of the Royal Academy of Engineering
Mr. Shiro Nakamura
Shiro Nakamura Design Associates Inc.
Mr. Peter Hohmann
Chief Designer
Hitachi Centre of Social Innovation, Europe
 Hitachi Europe Ltd.
Dr. Michael Leitner
Vice President and General Manager
ams AG, Austria
Mr. Georg Wagner
Managing Director
Spirit Design - Innovation and Brand
Dr. Hideo Hattori
@ SII Semiconductor Corporation
Mrs. Yuko Takano
Marketing Department of Business Developement Center Business Development & Research Division
Mr. Yasuhiro Harada
Division General Manager
Integrated Control System Development Division
Mazda Motor Company
Mr. Koichi Yoshino
Fundamental Technology Research Laboratory of Toppan Technical Research Institute
Harald Moser
Business Manager
Urban Media Development
Ars Electronica Linz
Prof. Ichiroh Kanaya
School of Information Systems
University of Nagasaki
Ms. Kiyo Hasegawa
@Artist Designer

Impressive record